wer da magentha pamilie.!
were born to be chill, were not easy to find..were so much in common about our lives..but da most amazing tings is dat we realized dat were different. u haven't notices us, but we can be ur cloSe prendz..we can be anything,..we can be suprmaan,.batmaan...supeer womaan..palaman...gulaman..pro were deffinetly da supeer humaan.,,ohh yes we lurve it.
weee.! ayt?! [[pahong jhud]] we lurve MR ONG && we know he loves us..cuz watever we do. hell' forgave us,.we studied in the school we called UNIVERSITY OF SAN CARLOS BASIC EDUCATION DEPARTMENT SOUTH CAM

PUS were totally a fresh men [[ ohh a freshmen lypp ]] oh so fresh we lurve being a freshy..becuz of all the challenges in our lypp..
da trails everything.,we know were not the one that u called the perfect ones but wo is?! were not dat backstabz,drama king&& queen, spread sh*ts etc. but wat gives?! it doesn't mean dat it look lykk dat you'll judge us alredy..but wat ever u do were xtill da same.
HE IS"T MY BOYPREND:! but i lurve his hugs,his smyll,his advise,
his kindness && the tymes wen we laugh togeteher,i guess i fell in lub
with our prendship.!
our laughs---[[limitless]]
our memories--[[countless]]
our friendship--[[endless]]
hahahha.! [[vega rah]]
weve known each other by CHANCE.,became prendz by CHOICE.!
xtill prendz by DECISION! && we say FRIENDS FOREVER dat's definitely
a lypptyme P>R>O>M>I>S>E!
all i can say is we ar lykk baloons.once i let him go
i can't get him bak, so i'm gonna tie him into my hart
so i never loose him.
hahahha.! we call each ader beybz.BUT ders a big BUT ehemmm.!
we ar not dat gf/bf [[ la lng nycee mng gud ang beybz ]]
[[[ laamat xa tnan beybz ]]] hahhahah.!
i keep it real and that's a promise,
I may be a B*tch but atleast i'm honest,
wen i walk by you stop and stare
well keep on looking cuz i don't care
i hab my own lypp && style
not trying to please you, or make u smyll:}]
wen it cams to competition u are out!!
now shut up u hatin aZZ
&& lastly,keep me out op ur mouth
cuz i ain't a D*UCK
[[[ ang maigo mamatai ]]]
peace yoh.!